Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs Without Peeling

I would like to share this video on how to peel an egg without actually peeling. Here’s the instruction on what he did.

  • Put the egg in any container you can use for boiling and make sure it is covered with water.
  • Egg must be boiled in water for 12 minutes.
  • After boiling the egg for 12 minutes, place the egg in cold water with ice and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Make sure to do this immediately after boiling.
  • Crack and remove small piece of the shell on top and bottom (wide end) of the egg.
  • Hold the egg with your hand and blow the narrow end of the egg forcefully to discharge it out of the shell.

Be sure that you are ready to catch the egg when it goes out of the shell.

For some other tips on how you can get a fresh and healthiest eggs you can read this to the ff links:

Top ten Healthiest Foods for Only $1

A lot of people, even fussy Moms, have been looking for healthy foods that would give them and their family members the right daily nutrition they need. Aside from looking for the food’s nutritional content, of course all of us also consider not only our strict diet but also our strict budget. For this reason, this article from Mercola website can certainly provide you a lot of help when it comes to picking the right food with the right price.

Here are the top 10 healthiest foods that would only cost you a dollar or less:

1. Two Cage Free Organic Eggs: $0.84

2. Raw Organic Milk, 8 oz: $0.62

3. Raw Nuts and Seeds: Sunflower seeds, raw, 1 oz. = $0.82 and Mixed raw nuts, 1/2 oz. = $1.00

4. Berries: 1 cup fresh organic blueberries = $0.95

5. Watermelon: One-pound slice = $0.59

6. Coconut Milk: 7 ounces = $0.98

7. Spinach: 5 oz. fresh organic spinach = $0.95

8. Garlic: 2 cloves = $0.05

9. Wild Rice: One serving = $0.99

10. Krill Oil: Two capsules = $0.84

Keep in mind that these foods are chosen based on their healthy contents while assuring that you will only be spending around $1 per serving. Isn’t it great?! It’s amazing how we can still find out nutrition-packed food choices which still give us a lot of savings.

You can even notice that these top 10 healthy food selections are most commonly found in our daily menus. It’s a good thing that we can maximize the use of energy that these foods can give us. Like eggs for example, as we all know, eggs are certainly known as one of the most healthful foods in the world. However, nutritionists claim that eggs are best to eat when raw especially when it comes from true free-ranging chickens. Aside from eggs, the rest of the nine options can certainly give you the right nutrition without spending too much.

So why pay more when you can have the same nutrition-rich foods in a more reasonable cost?! Put this on your list and have a healthy lifestyle that is based on your daily budget!

6 Bottled Water Myths

It is a good thing that there’s now a convenient way to drink and bring water just about anywhere we go. However, a lot of issues arise on whether or not bottled water is safe and healthy to drink.

I’ve just read a recent article about this issue and I’d like to share this information to you. There are actually 6 concerns on bottled water that we can consider as myths:

MYTH #1:

BOTTLED WATER IS BETTER THAN TAP. Not necessarily because water is enclosed in a container, it can be considered better than the water we can directly get from the faucet. In fact, 25%-40% of bottled water comes from a less exotic source which is mainly on the US municipal water supplies.

MYTH #2:

PURIFIED WATER TASTES BETTER. Substances like sodium, calcium, magnesium and chloride are the contents that give water its flavor. And for distilled water to be tasteless, all minerals and salts should be removed. For tap water, chlorine is the reason why it has an “off” taste. Removing or adding these substances are the only reason why water tastes better than the other.

MYTH #3:

BOTTLED WATER WITH VITAMINS, MINERALS, OR PROTEIN IS HEALTHIER THAN REGULAR WATER. Many nutritionists believe that these natural additives to bottled water are just part of the manufacturer’s marketing strategy. Enhancing the taste with the use of sugar and artificial flavors is one of their tactics. But when it comes to original contents, regular water and bottled water are just the same.

MYTH #4:

YOU NEED EIGHT 8-OUNCE GLASSES OF WATER EACH DAY. According to The Institute of Medicine, 91 ounces are the recommended amount of fluid that women need everyday. This comes commonly from the water, juice, coffee, tea, or other beverages that we drink and the remaining 20 percent comes from the food we eat.

MYTH #5:

AFTER AN INTENSE WORKOUT, BOTTLED WATER IS BEST. Since most bottled water, particularly sports drinks contain sodium and potassium mainly on the additional flavoring added on it, it can certainly quench anyone’s thirst. However, regular water can very well provide stimulants even after workout.

MYTH #6:

WATER BOTTLES ARE EASY ON THE ENVIRONMENT BECAUSE THEY CAN BE RECYCLED. It is a good thing if recycling can be done at all times on all water bottles being used. But unfortunately, 86% of the 70 Million empty water bottles being produced per day and sold in US ends up in trash.

Based on these given bottled water myths, we can say that there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages on its formulation and invention. Maybe it will just depend on the way we utilize it to know if it is for our own good or not.

Is it true that Cell Phones are the next Cigarettes?

Several studies have been done to this famous and most commonly used modern communicating device - the cellular phone. Just like cigarettes, scientists have been threatened on the issue on whether there is an adverse effect of using just any kind of mobile phones.

Mobile phones were widely used across the globe and you can even find it with different brands and models. With approximately 3 billion people utilizing this portable machine and no signs of health risks have been proven, it’s really hard to find out if there are things that we need to worry about cell phones.

Recent studies in United States with regards to health problems in using cell phones have emerged. This includes the probable risk of cancer which is a serious medical condition that most of us wouldn’t want to acquire.

However, most of these cell phone studies have been stopped due to the fact that government considered it as a resolved case. Also, the US government no longer provides financial support to perform further investigations on this matter.

But one of the famous scientists like Michael Kelsh claims that bringing these studies to an end could be a mistake after saying that, “It was 15-20 years after people began smoking that we saw concerns associated with it.” Indeed, cell phones have become the most conventional products being used for more than a decade now and any undesirable effects will take longer years to appear.

Maybe on the scientist’s point of view, this cell phone health risk is still unsettled and needs further studies.

On our end, it’s a good thing that even if we use our mobile phones for a long time now, we haven’t been hit by any health issues that would trigger a more serious problem.

However, according to Dr. Mercola, the evidence against cell phones is already far too compelling to ignore and we shouldn't wait for a definitive study to come out, but more on the side of being safe rather than feel sorry in the end.

Well, this really makes sense especially if you want to completely protect yourself.

So, what do you think? Is cell phone risk a fact or a myth?